Dosen gw pas ngobrol sama temen gw berkali2 bilang 'Dika, Dika, Dika'. Heran gw. Sempet emang dulu dia nanyain nama istri gw (Dika), tapi gak nyangka kalo disebut2 terus. Padahal ketemu juga belum. Penasaran gw, abis dia ngobrol gw deketin aja.
"Bu, seru amat sih ngobrolin Dika"
dia langsung nanggapin.
"Iya, soalnya yang model baru keluar terus"
Hah? pikir gw. Ni bukan istri gw deh kayaknya yang dimomongin. Dia nambahin lagi
"semakin lama beratnya semakin enteng"
Waduh... disuruh diet apa gimana nih?
"Terus fokusnya juga semakin bagus" tambahnya lagi.
Wah, gw gak tahan. akhirnya gw tanyain.
"Bu, emangnya 'Dika' apaan?"
"Lho masak kamu gak tahu? yang kamu bawa2 tiap hari. di HP kamu juga ada khan?"
Wah.. saya memang sayang istri. Tahu aja nih Bu Dosen. Tiap hari foto istri gw bawa2, di laptop n HP juga ada. Tapi ngomong2 masih bingung nih.
"Gak ngerti bu. tolong jelasin sekali lagi"
terus temen gw nyamber
"Itu tuuuh" katanya sambil nunjuk kamera gw. OMG... ternyata Digital + Camera = Dika
Rabu, 28 April 2010
I believe that all of you are familiar with these terms: wifi, oxbridge, brunch and etc. Yes, we understand them as a combination of two words. Wifi is the combination of wireless and fidelity, oxbridge is the combination of oxford and cambridge and Brunch is the combination of breakfast and lunch. Word formation theory refers to this as blend, where you take just one part of each words and combine them to form a new word.
If someone asks me what season this is i will answer 'sprinter', instead of spring or winter. It is a combination od spring and winter. I dont know whether this also happened in the other part of the world, but in Korea, this spring does not seem either like spring or winter to me. Instead it seems to be something in the middle.
Last weekend sun shone brightly here in Seoul so i decided to leave my campus, where i was supposed to do work on paper, and went to Cheonggyechon and Gwanghamun. This was the way I thought at that time 'Hmm... nobody knows whether tomorrow will still be sun like this'.
Well, i should have been more careful about the way i thought. These days tempereature drops again due to continuous rain and cold weather...brrrrr! Somebody, please give me a scientific explanation for this. Is it caused by the global warming? Well, I wont say global warming, but global heating!
So, should we add this 'sprinter' to english dictionary? LOL^^
If someone asks me what season this is i will answer 'sprinter', instead of spring or winter. It is a combination od spring and winter. I dont know whether this also happened in the other part of the world, but in Korea, this spring does not seem either like spring or winter to me. Instead it seems to be something in the middle.
Last weekend sun shone brightly here in Seoul so i decided to leave my campus, where i was supposed to do work on paper, and went to Cheonggyechon and Gwanghamun. This was the way I thought at that time 'Hmm... nobody knows whether tomorrow will still be sun like this'.
Well, i should have been more careful about the way i thought. These days tempereature drops again due to continuous rain and cold weather...brrrrr! Somebody, please give me a scientific explanation for this. Is it caused by the global warming? Well, I wont say global warming, but global heating!
So, should we add this 'sprinter' to english dictionary? LOL^^
Sabtu, 24 April 2010
“I LOVE YOU!!!!!!”
Pernah dapet ucapan ‘I love you’ dari orang yang gak dikenal? Hmm… kalo ini sih gw yakin banyak yang pernah. Cuma gak banyak kali yang yang mengalami kejadian kayak gw hari ni (selain para pengunjung Cheonggyechong yang lain). Ni hari, gw diteriakin ‘SARANGHAMNIDA!’ (I love you dalam bahasa Korea) oleh, gak tanggung tanggung, sekitar… hmmm … 30 orang perempuan muda berumur 25-30 yang gak gw kenal sama sekal! Kejadianya di Cheonggyechong Stream.
Karena cuaca lagi bener2 bagus (takutnya dia berubah jadi dingin lagi. Akhir2 ni Korea kan begitu). gw putusin jalan ke sana. Wah, ternyata Cheongyechong jadi bagus banget! Beda bener ama musim dingin lalu.
Nah, lagi enak enak jalan, diteriakin sama cewek2 ini dari atas jembatan!
Gw liat2, cari cari siapa yg ngomong, ternyata dari atas arahnya. Kaget karena ada 30 cewek berbaris dan berbusana rapi.
“Mbak-mbak… terimakasih… tapi saya sudah beristri”
“Ya…ya… tapi serius mbak-mbak….beneran saya sayang banget sama istri saya”
Tapi para perempuan muda ini gak putus asa. Sekali lagi mereka teriak bareng2 ke gw
"Masya allah.... Ok…Ok… mbak2 coba tenangkan diri dulu…semua bisa kita selesaikan dengan kepala dingin. Ini bukan masalah hutang kan?” Gw bilang ke mereka.
Eh, bukanya tenang, malah nyanyi yang kira2 bunyinya begini
“Terimakasih atas kepercayaan Anda pada kami. Bersama dengan Bank Shinhan, mari kita jalani musim semi ini bersama-sama. SARANGHAMNIDA!!!!”.
Yah… para wanita tadi adalah pegawai Shinhan Bank. Mereka menyambut musim semi dengan “menyapa” para pelangganya (bahkan yang bukan pelanggan sekalipun). Dan menyapanya ini benar2 unik. Mirip orang demonstrasi. Ada KORLAP= Koordinator Lapangan, ada Art Media-nya, yang ngerancang spanduk dan banner, ada ORATORnya juga, yang bawa toa dan memimpin mereka berteriak2 (organisasi yang biasa ngatur demo, baik kampus maupun non kampus, pasti akrab sama istilah2 tadi)
Yang gak ada Cuma provokator doang
Cuma gw yakin deh, kalo demo di negara sebelah sana kayak begini, bakalan seneng tuh masyarakat. Teratur, gak bikin macet, dan yang demo rapih rapih dan bersih bersih. Gak ada tuh pukul2an, bakar2an, dan satu lagi yang harus dihindari goreng2an, karena gorengan mengandung trigliserin yang tinggi (gak nyambung mode: on)
Kembali ke kegiatan tadi, malah bisa2 dijadiin objek wisata lho! Hihi….
Jadi mbayangin ada menu demo di brosur wisata ke Indonesia. “Ladies and gentleman, after Kecak Dance, please proceed straight to the bridge and we are going to witness today's Demonstration. We are expecting that there will be no delay just like the other days. And today's theme is demanding for a raise by …wait…hmmm… The Labor Association of ET Agency. Dressing code for the people doing demo today is.... formal coat, sponsored by prata and millanyo. And just to remind you, they will provide free drink today. And by the end of the demonstration, there will be a door prize for you, if you are lucky of course. SO, please keep your ticket and don’t miss it!
Anyway… kita kembali ke para “pendemo” ini. Korlapnya terlihat mengarahkan dengan baik sekali, tanpa paksaaan hanya dengan tatapan yang sangat bermakna (kira2 begini maknanya: yang bener low pade. Kalo gak, gak ada nyang gw promosiin nih. Bakal jadi teller forever loe. Yang semangat ya !!) .
Pas gw deketin mereka, semuanya nyalamin “Anyyeong Hasimnikka” (salam dalam bahasa korea, dengan bentuk yang paling sopan), satu-persatu lho. Tidak ada ruginya dicontoh oleh perusahaan2, BUMN di Indonesia, mahasiswa, pendemo, polisi apalagi satpol PePe dan beberapa orang yang sempat kehilangan rasa kemanusiaanya beberapa waktu yang lalu. PEACE and SARANGHAMNIDA buat Anda semua!!!!
Rabu, 07 April 2010
Info dari tetangga
Beasiswa Australia Endeavour Awards 2010/2011
Endeavour Awards The 2011 round is now open and will close on 31 July 2010.
The Endeavour Awards is the Australian Government’s internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program providing opportunities for citizens of the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Europe and Americas to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia. Awards are also available for Australians to undertake study, research and professional development abroad.
The Endeavour Awards aim to:
Develop on-going educational, research and professional linkages between individuals, organisations and countries;
Provide opportunities for high achieving individuals from Australia and overseas to increase their skills and enhance their global awareness;
Contribute to Australia’s position as a high quality education and training provider, and a leader in research and innovation; and
Increase the productivity of Australians through an international study, research or professional development experience.
The Endeavour Awards are a part of the Australia Awards initiative which was announced by the Prime Minister in November 2009. The Australia Awards have been established to maximise the benefit to Australia of its extensive scholarship programs, and to support enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours.
The Australia Awards will bring together the international development awards administrated by the Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations’ (DEEWR) Endeavour Awards under a single recognisable brand. The Australia Awards are being progressively phased in commencing in 2010. Further information is available at
Beasiswa Australia Endeavour Awards 2010/2011
Endeavour Awards The 2011 round is now open and will close on 31 July 2010.
The Endeavour Awards is the Australian Government’s internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program providing opportunities for citizens of the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Europe and Americas to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia. Awards are also available for Australians to undertake study, research and professional development abroad.
The Endeavour Awards aim to:
Develop on-going educational, research and professional linkages between individuals, organisations and countries;
Provide opportunities for high achieving individuals from Australia and overseas to increase their skills and enhance their global awareness;
Contribute to Australia’s position as a high quality education and training provider, and a leader in research and innovation; and
Increase the productivity of Australians through an international study, research or professional development experience.
The Endeavour Awards are a part of the Australia Awards initiative which was announced by the Prime Minister in November 2009. The Australia Awards have been established to maximise the benefit to Australia of its extensive scholarship programs, and to support enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours.
The Australia Awards will bring together the international development awards administrated by the Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations’ (DEEWR) Endeavour Awards under a single recognisable brand. The Australia Awards are being progressively phased in commencing in 2010. Further information is available at
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