Dosen gw pas ngobrol sama temen gw berkali2 bilang 'Dika, Dika, Dika'. Heran gw. Sempet emang dulu dia nanyain nama istri gw (Dika), tapi gak nyangka kalo disebut2 terus. Padahal ketemu juga belum. Penasaran gw, abis dia ngobrol gw deketin aja.
"Bu, seru amat sih ngobrolin Dika"
dia langsung nanggapin.
"Iya, soalnya yang model baru keluar terus"
Hah? pikir gw. Ni bukan istri gw deh kayaknya yang dimomongin. Dia nambahin lagi
"semakin lama beratnya semakin enteng"
Waduh... disuruh diet apa gimana nih?
"Terus fokusnya juga semakin bagus" tambahnya lagi.
Wah, gw gak tahan. akhirnya gw tanyain.
"Bu, emangnya 'Dika' apaan?"
"Lho masak kamu gak tahu? yang kamu bawa2 tiap hari. di HP kamu juga ada khan?"
Wah.. saya memang sayang istri. Tahu aja nih Bu Dosen. Tiap hari foto istri gw bawa2, di laptop n HP juga ada. Tapi ngomong2 masih bingung nih.
"Gak ngerti bu. tolong jelasin sekali lagi"
terus temen gw nyamber
"Itu tuuuh" katanya sambil nunjuk kamera gw. OMG... ternyata Digital + Camera = Dika
Rabu, 28 April 2010
I believe that all of you are familiar with these terms: wifi, oxbridge, brunch and etc. Yes, we understand them as a combination of two words. Wifi is the combination of wireless and fidelity, oxbridge is the combination of oxford and cambridge and Brunch is the combination of breakfast and lunch. Word formation theory refers to this as blend, where you take just one part of each words and combine them to form a new word.
If someone asks me what season this is i will answer 'sprinter', instead of spring or winter. It is a combination od spring and winter. I dont know whether this also happened in the other part of the world, but in Korea, this spring does not seem either like spring or winter to me. Instead it seems to be something in the middle.
Last weekend sun shone brightly here in Seoul so i decided to leave my campus, where i was supposed to do work on paper, and went to Cheonggyechon and Gwanghamun. This was the way I thought at that time 'Hmm... nobody knows whether tomorrow will still be sun like this'.
Well, i should have been more careful about the way i thought. These days tempereature drops again due to continuous rain and cold weather...brrrrr! Somebody, please give me a scientific explanation for this. Is it caused by the global warming? Well, I wont say global warming, but global heating!
So, should we add this 'sprinter' to english dictionary? LOL^^
If someone asks me what season this is i will answer 'sprinter', instead of spring or winter. It is a combination od spring and winter. I dont know whether this also happened in the other part of the world, but in Korea, this spring does not seem either like spring or winter to me. Instead it seems to be something in the middle.
Last weekend sun shone brightly here in Seoul so i decided to leave my campus, where i was supposed to do work on paper, and went to Cheonggyechon and Gwanghamun. This was the way I thought at that time 'Hmm... nobody knows whether tomorrow will still be sun like this'.
Well, i should have been more careful about the way i thought. These days tempereature drops again due to continuous rain and cold weather...brrrrr! Somebody, please give me a scientific explanation for this. Is it caused by the global warming? Well, I wont say global warming, but global heating!
So, should we add this 'sprinter' to english dictionary? LOL^^
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