211109 Special Horror 무서움 보다 더 무서운 이야기 (1)
I was working on my ontology project, which I still need to work a lot with, and suddenly I got a phone call from a strange lady. I thought one of my friends was joking around, but I realized that there was none of my friends spoke Korean with that native fluency, like what that woman did. Nor any Korean friends of mine are impolite enough to do that, I am sure.
I am trying to do my best to transcribe my conversation with that strange woman. My apology for there are many mistakes, just blame my Korean. Please fix it
Me (M) : 여버세요?
이상한 아갔이 (F) : 여보세요? 저기… 혹시 민숙 어빠가 있나요? 좀 바꿔 주세요.
Me : 예? 누구요?
F : 거기 민숙오빠댁이지요?
M : 아니오. 여기서는 민숙이라는 분이 없어세요. 번호 못 걸맀 나봐요
F : 아? 그래요? 죄송해요…
Me : 네
This time she called again, but I thought she just wanted to say sorry for misdialing my number. So I answered this call. But if only I knew what was going to happen I would just let it unanswered
M : 여보세요?
F : 여보세요? 아저씨… 부탁해요… 제가 정말 해야 되는 일이있는데 좀 민숙어빠에 바꿔 주세요
M : 아가씨, 여기서는 민숙이라는 어빠가 없거든요.
F : 예? 거기 민숙어빠 주댁이 아니에요? 그리고, 아저씨는 주인주택이지요.
M : 아니, 여기서 아파트 인걸요. 걸린 번호 확인해 주세요
F : 010-5814-2983
M : hmm…이상해요… 번호는 맞는데…혹시 지난번에 이번호는 민숙씨 번호인데 지금 아니예요, 아가씨.
I push reject button, ending that conversation. It is so strange. I, then turned my phone into vibrating mode, hoping that this girl would never call me again, but…
M : 예보세요?
F : 오빠! 거기서 민숙오빠 맞지!? 난… 오빠 목소리를 잊을 수 없어! 모르는 척 하지만! 난 진하, 잔하!
M : Oh my god! What’s wrong with you!? 제가 민숙오빠 아니라니까요….
F : 거짓말! 난… 오빠목소리를 아직도 확실히 기억해! 근데 한국말 왜 이래 오빠? 왜 외국인 처럼 한국말 말하고 있니?
M : 아가씨! 난 정말 외국인이거든요… 그러니까 끝만해 주세요… 계숙 이렇게 말하면 좀 힘들지 않인가요?
F : 오빠… 난 … 그때 못 했어… 정말 못했어…그것은 나의 실수이지만 우리 다시 만나자, 오빠
M : how many times should I tell you? I am not your Minsuk oppa!…Listen, I am working on something important now, so please don’t disturb me…Gue bener bener nggak ada waktu buat ngeladenin lo. Jadi, tolong… udahan aja ya? I don’t think your Minsuk oppa can speak foreign language like this. Do you believe me that I am a real foreigner now?
F : 오빠… 지난번에 영어 못했더니 지금 왜 영어 정말 잘해?
M : hhhhh……..(taking a deep breath)
F : 난 알아… 오빠 화가난 이유 알아.. 근데 날… 잊으면 안돼… 우리 첮만남 기억 안 나?
M : 그걸 제가 어떻게 알아요, 아가씨…?!! 끝만해!!!! ^%^&$&$&^$&$%^%!!!
It was quite for a while….
F : 오빠…나를 … 그렇게 싫어, 지금?... (I heard her crying-may be- at least I that what I heard)…그럼 … 죽어버려…자살할거야…
M : 마음대로 해!!!
Again, I pushed reject button and ended that conversation. I felt so irritated, angry! But then I realized that she might be serious about what ㄴhe said (Assuming I figured her Korean right). I read in some newspaper, about suicidal case. Afraid that I might be the one responsible (if she really does that), I tried to tracked incoming call record and phoned back
M : 여보세요!!! 아가씨!! 아직 살아 있어요? 죽지 마세요! 여보세요?!
F : 오빠… 기억났어, 지금…?
M : fyuh…다행이다…. 그래… … 전화하지 말고 네일 오빠 집에 와… 맛있는 음식 요리할게 … 우리 먹고 이야기 하자….
F : 정말!!? 오빠 먹는 후 우리 쇼핑가자 ! 예쁜 웃 사주면 좋겠어…
M : 알았어…
F : 오빠!!! XX해!!!
That is how our conversation ended peacefully. I hope, after she comes to her 민숙오빠’s house, she will realize that she dialed wrong number. The questions remain until now….
1. who is that woman?
2. Who is Minsook Oppa, and why did she missed him so much?
3. What happen when she found her minsook oppa’s house but could not find him
4. What’s wrong with Korean phone line operator? How could she get my number? Or is it just she dialed it wrong?
You won’t believe me, but strange things keep happening after this…
I will tell you on my next blog posting…
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