2010년도 대한민국 정부초청
외국인 대학원 장학생 모집 요강
Korean Government Scholarship Program
for Graduate Students
"KGSP Guidelines for the Year 2010"
1. Program Objective
The Korean Government Scholarship Program is designed to provide higher education in Korea for international students in order to promote international exchange in education and mutual friendship between the participating countries.
2. Total number of Applicants for Selection : 600 persons
o Korean Embassy(Consulate) : 365 persons
※ 2010 KGSP Places Allocation for Korean Embassies (Consulates)
Quota Number of Countries Name of Countries
31 1 China
18 1 Japan
17 1 Russia
12 2 Cambodia, Mongolia
11 1 Vietnam
10 2 Mexico, India
9 1 Indonesia
8 3 Thailand, Laos, Malaysia
7 3 Philippines, Kazakhstan, Myanmar
5 6 Chinese Taipei, Uzbekistan, Turkey, USA, Ethiopia, Colombia
4 5 Nepal, Senegal, Bangladesh, Ukraine, New Zealand
3 15 Sri Lanka, Morocco, Azerbaijan, El Salvador, Egypt, Tanzania, Germany, France, Dominica, Chile, Iran, Canada, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia
2 20 Singapore, Pakistan, Gabon, Romania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Czech, Guatemala, Ecuador, Algeria, Yemen, Uganda, Belize, Honduras, Italy, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Poland
1 55 Ghana, Georgia, Greece, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria, Republic of South Africa, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Rwanda, Libya, Lithuania, Moldavia, Bahrain, Barbados, Bahamas, Venezuela, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Brazil, Brunei, Serbia, Seychelles, Sudan, Sweden, Slovenia, Armenia, Argentina, Haïti, Ireland, Afghanistan, Angola, Oman, Austria, Uruguay, Iraq, Israel, Zambia, Cameroon, Qatar, Kenya, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Panama, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Fiji, Hungary, Australia, Jordan
Total 116 365
o Korean University : 200 persons
※ 2010 KGSP Places Allocation for Domestic Universities
Quota Number of Countries Name of Countries
16 1 Vietnam
9 1 Indonesia
8 1 Philippines
7 2 Uzbekistan, Mongolia
6 3 Bangladesh, Malaysia, Cambodia
5 5 Myanmar, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Laos, India
4 2 Pakistan, Nepal
3 4 Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Tanzania
2 25 Ghana, Nigeria, Chinese Taipei, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Morocco, Brunei, Senegal, Singapore, Azerbaijan, Angola, Ecuador, Jordan, Ukraine, Kenya, Columbia, Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Turkey, Tunisia, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Hungary, Yemen
1 40 Guinea, South Africa, Nicaragua, Germany, Democratic Republic of Timor- Leste, Liberia, Romania, Mali, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Slovakia, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Haiti, Afghanistan, Algeria, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Honduras, Uganda, Iraq, Iran, Jamaica, Zambia, Chile, Cameroon, Canada, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Croatia, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Australia
Total 83 200 persons
o Overseas Korean Adoptee : 35 persons
3. Applicable Universities and fields
o Applicable Universities : 61 Universities (or Institutes) designated by NIIED
* Applicants recommended by the Korean Embassies (Consulates) or by the adoption association must choose 5 desired universities out of 61 universities below and send in the application form to a Korean Embassy (Consulate) in the country of origin or to the adoption association. (Except for students nominated by Korean Government through Korean Embassy)
* Applicants recommended by the domestic universities must choose one desired university out of 61 universities below and send in the application form to that university.
* You can find detailed information about the fields and majors of the applicable universities on the website of NIIED.
Ajou Univ. , Catholic University of Korea, Cheongju Univ. , Chonbuk Nat’l Univ., Chonnam Nat’l Univ., Chosun Univ. , Chung-Ang Univ. , Chungnam Nat’l Univ., Daegu Univ. , Daejeon University, Donga Univ. , Dongguk University, Dongseo Univ. , Ewha woman’s Univ., Gangneung Wonju National University, Gyeungsang Nat’l Univ., Hallym University, Handong Global University, Hankuk university of Foreign studies, Hannam University, Hanyang Univ. , Hongik Univ. , Inha Univ. , Jeonju University, Kangwon nat’l Univ., Keimyung Univ. , Kongju national Univ., Konkuk Univ. , Konyang University, Kookmin Univ. , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST), Korea Aerospace University, Korea Development Institute (KDI), Korea Polytechnic University, Korea Univ. , Korea university of Technology and Education, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Kyunghee Univ. , Kyungpook Nat’l Univ., Kyungsung University, Mokpo Nat’l Univ., Myongji Univ. Pai Chai Univ., Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pukyong Nat’l Univ., Pusan National University, Seoul Nat’l Univ., Seoul National University of Technology, Silla Univ. , Sogang Univ. , Sookmyung womens Univ., Sungkyunkwan Univ. , Sunmoon Univ. , The Academy of Korean Studies, Univ. of Ulsan , University of science and technology, Wonkwang Univ. , Woosong University, Woosuk Univ. , Yeungnam Univ. , Yonsei Univ.
o Available fields : All majors of general graduate schools
* Specialized or professional graduate school programs such as law school program, medical school program, GSIS program, etc. are also eligible on the condition that the university covers all tuition over the initial 5 million won(KRW)/semester.
* Night schools, Seasonal schools, and schools through Internet are not allowed.
o Available course : Master’s Program, Doctoral Program and integrated Master’s & Doctoral Program.
o Integrated Master’s & Doctoral Program
* Applicants are only eligible to apply for the Integrated Master’s & Doctoral Program Scholarship if they apply for and are accepted into an Integrated & Master’s and Doctoral Program from the start of the scholarship period. Applicants who are applying for a Master’s Program and plan to apply for or switch to an Integrated Master’s & Doctoral Program in the future are ineligible for this scholarship.
* Very few schools offer Integrated & Doctoral Program. Applicants are responsible for connecting the university/universities they wish to apply for to find out whether or not such programs are offered.
* An applicant who applies for 5 year Integrated Master’s & Doctoral Program especially can get scholarship for 4 years only.
4. Main Notes for 2010 Selection
o Organizations accepting applications: Korean Embassies (Consulates), adoption association, and Domestic Universities in Korea
* Applicants may not be recommended by more than one organization. Every applicant recommended by more than one organization will be disqualified automatically.
o Selection Procedure : Students recommended by a Korean Embassy (Consulate) or domestic
university will be evaluated separately.
o Obtain Admission From the University Before Entry to Korea:
- Applicants recommended by a Korean Embassy (Consulate) or overseas Korean adoptees must apply and gain admission into 1 of 5 universities out of the 61 designated universities.
- Applicants recommended by a university in Korea should enter the same university.
o Exemption of Korean language course: TOPIK level 5 or 6 certificate holder
5. Duration of KGSP
o Master’s : 3 yrs. (01.09.2010 ~ 31.08.2013) - 1 yr. of Korean language + 2 yrs. of Master’s
o Doctoral : 4 yrs. (01.09.2010 ~ 31.08.2014) - 1 yr. of Korean language + 3 yrs of Doctoral
o Integrated Master’s & Doctoral : 5 yrs. (01.09.2010 ~ 31.08.2015) - 1 yr. of Korean language + 4 yrs. of Integrated Master’s & Doctoral
6. Korean Language Course
o After 1 year of Korean language training, Master's or doctoral program will be followed.
o Duration : 1 year (Scholarship students who still don’t get a TOPIK level 3 or above certificate after completing the language course should take an additional language course and can enter only after getting TOPIK level 3 or above)
* After additional 2 semesters of Korean language courses (total 1 year period), students who still don’t acquire the TOPIK 3 or above cannot enter the main program. (A student who used the additional language training will have demerit when he/she asks for an emergency extension with reasonable explanation. (For instance: Deduction of that period from the possible extension.)
o Institution :
- Applicants recommended by a Korean Embassy (Consulate) and overseas Korean adoptees will study at 1 of the 5 applied universities.
- Applicants recommended by the universities in Korea will study at the same university.
o Exemption of Korean language course: TOPIK level 5 or 6 certificate holder.
* Students who are exempted from the Korean language course may enter the graduate school starting from September 1, 2010 or March 1, 2011.
* Those who wish to enter on March 1, 2011 should get admission by himself/herself from the university and submit it to NIIED. (Otherwise, they will be disqualified.)
* A student exempted from Korean language course must enter the main program by Mar 1, 2011, otherwise he/she will be disqualified.
* A student who acquires TOPIK level 5 or 6 certificate during the Korean language course can enter the main program on Mar 1, 2011 if he/she wants to.
7. Application Qualifications
o Both applicant and his/her parents must be citizens of the foreign country.
* Applicants cannot have Korean citizenship.
o Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for a long period of time.
o Should be under 40 years of age as of September 1, 2010
o Hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of September 1, 2010
* Applicants who are enrolling or have already enrolled in the same academic program in Korea as the one they are applying for will not be admitted.
* For Master’s program (or Integrated Master’s & Doctoral program): students who hold a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than Bachelor’s degree
* For Doctoral program: students who hold a Master’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than Master’s degree.
* Applicants who are expecting the adequate diploma should present their diploma by September 1, 2010 before entry.
o Should have a grade point average (G.P.A.) at least 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previous attended institution
* If the grade is difficult to convert to percentage, official explanatory documents from the attended university are required.
8. Scholarship Payment
o Scholarship Period : same as the period of invitation
o Payment
-Airfare : A round-trip economy class ticket
* Airfare for entry will not be provided to one who is staying in Korea on account of the study (Korean language course, undergraduate or graduate school) or employment as of the confirmation date of selection of scholarship students.
* Fees within domestic travel, as well as insurance while travelling to and from the Republic of Korea, will not be provided.
-Monthly Allowance : 900,000 won(KRW) per month
-Research Allowance : 210,000 won for students in human and social sciences; 240,000 won for students in natural and mechanic sciences per semester
-Relocation (Settlement) Allowance : 200,000 won upon arrival
-Language Training Fee : The full costs up to 1 year
-Tuitions : All admission fees are waived by the host institution. The full tuition is paid by NIIED.
-Dissertation Printing Costs : 500,000 ~ 800,000 won for the costs related to a printing dissertation
-Medical Insurance : 15,000 won per month(limited insurance coverage) will be provided to the university for students.
-Special fund for students proficient in Korean language (TOPIK level 5 or 6) : 100,000 won per month(Commencing from the main program)
9. Selection Procedure
o "KGSP Guidelines for the Year 2010" including the application form will be on at the website of NIIED, GKS.(www.gks.go.kr), the Korean Embassy (Consulate), and domestic universities.
o For applicants recommended by the Korean Embassy (Consulate)
- Korean Embassy (Consulate) may recommend 1.5 times their quota to NIIED
- Evaluation on the applicant’s eligibility by NIIED
- NIIED entrusts the applicants to the desired universities (in order of choice)
o For applicants recommended by domestic universities
-Each designated domestic university can recommend up to 15 candidates (3 per country)
-Special selection committee will evaluate the candidates.
-In regards to candidates, NIIED will refer to the Korean Embassy (Consulate) for eligibility when needed.
o For overseas Korean adoptees
- Recommendation by Korean Embassy (Consulate) or Adoption Associations in Korea
- Evaluation on the applicant’s eligibility by NIIED
- NIIED entrusts the applicants to the desired universities (in order of choice)
- Special selection committee will make the final decision.
10. Selection Criterion
o All documents including the transcript, self introduction, study plan, language proficiency (Korean and English), recommendation, papers and awards etc.
11. Required Documentation
o Place of submission :
- For applicants recommended by a Korean Embassy (Consulate) : Korean Embassy (Consulate)
- For applicants recommended by a domestic university : the same domestic university
- For overseas Korean adoptees : Korean Embassy (Consulate) or Adoption Associations in Korea
o Deadline of Submission : The date set forth by the Korean Embassy (Consulate) in the country of origin or universities in Korea.
* Deadline for recommendation to NIIED is May 14, 2010.
o Required documents :
Check List for Application Documents MA (Integrated MA & Doctoral) Doctoral
1. Personal data (Attachment #1) ○ ○
2. Self Introduction (Attachment #2) ○ ○
3. Study Plan (Attachment #3) ○ ○
4. Letter of Recommendation (Attachment #4) ○ ○
5. Pledge (Attachment #5) ○ ○
6. Personal Medical Assessment (Attachment #6) ○ ○
7. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended undergraduate
Institution(s) ○ ○
8. Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate institution(s) ○ ○
9. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended graduate institution(s) - ○
10. Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) - ○
11. Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy) ○ ○
12. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original copy) directly sent from ETS/IELTS ○ ○
13. Published papers, if available (one or two) △ △
14. Awards, if available (one or two) △ △
15. Copy of passport ○ ○
16. Certificate of Citizenship of His/Her Parents : birth certificate,
passport, etc. (* only for overseas Koreans) △ △
17. Adoption documents (*only for overseas Korean adoptee) △ △
- Applicants from Korean Embassy (Consulate) or Adoption Association: One original document (placed in a separate envelope) and 2 extra copies.
- Applicants from domestic universities: One original document (placed in a separate envelope) and 5 extra copies.
o Note
- Dual recommendation by more than one organization is not acceptable.
- Documents should be presented in the original form. Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete and accurate English or Korean translation certified by the issuing institution.
- Submitted documents will not be returned to the candidates.
- Incomplete or incorrect documents are subject to rejection by NIIED. (Even after entry to Korea)
- In case of submitting copied documents inevitably, applicants must submit the original to the Korean Embassy (Consulate) and have the two documents collated.(Collated documents need to be submitted behind the original documents)
- Applicants who don’t hold a diploma may submit a certificate or letter of expected graduation.
- Applicants must accurately fill out the health checklist based on truth. All successful applicants must take a medical exam in Korea (including an HIV and TBPE drug test) in accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP program. If the results show that the applicant is unfit to be a KGSP student, all costs for departure to their own country will be borne by the KGSP applicant.
- Applicants may submit the copies of published papers, if available.
- Applicants may submit the copies of awards, if available.
* Applicants must submit all the documents by check list order. (Check list for the application documents should be the front page with the stapled documents followed.)
- Applicants who are currently studying in Korea or graduated from Korean university must submit one recommendation letter of the head of department of the relevant university.
* No Student is allowed to transfer school during the entire period of program once he/ she enters the school.
12. Selection Schedule
o Recommendation deadline : May 14, 2010
o Final selection by NIIED : by June 30, 2010
o Result notice : by July 10, 2010
o Entry to Korea : from August 25, 2010 to August 30, 2010
o Korean language course or graduate school : starting from September 1, 2010
13. For further information, please contact
o Korean Embassy (Consulate) / universities in Korea
o KGSP Team, National Institute for International Education Development (NIIED)
- Address: 43 Ewhajanggil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-810, Republic of Korea
- Website: http://www.niied.go.kr or http://www.gks.go.kr
(Korean) http://www.niied.go.kr → 정부초청 외국인 장학생 프로그램 → 공지사항
(English) http://www.niied.go.kr → Korean Government Scholarship Program → Notice
- Phone: +82-2-3668-1448 (in English), +82-2-3668-1358 (in Korean)
- Fax: +82-2-743-4992
14. Other useful websites
ㅇ KCUE (Korean Council for University Education) http://www.kcue.or.kr
ㅇ Learning Korean http://www.kosnet.go.kr
ㅇ Universities and Graduate schools in Korea http://www.studyinkorea.go.kr
ㅇ Understanding of Korean culture http://korea.net
ㅇ Overseas Korean embassies http://www.mofat.go.kr
ㅇ Visa and Registration http://immigration.go.kr
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